Evernote Tips for Business: CRM & Project Management

Evernote Tips for Business: Turn notes into leads, assign projects and update support tickets.

Use WORK[etc] with Evernote for business management, CRM, project management and more.  Simply take any note in Evernote, and tag it with options such as #Sales, #Projects, #Support and sit back as WORK[etc] automatically takes care of the details for you:

  • Create new sales leads wherever you use Evernote
  • Update projects with web pages you’ve clipped from Evernote
  • Solve support cases by tagging the solution from one of your notes.

Attach CUSTOMER NOTES Send research to a project Update project progress Capture expenses Assign Support Tickets Create new sales lead

  • Capture in Evernote.  Action in WORK[etc]

    Don’t let your ideas go to waste.  Capture everything in Evernote and then select what notes to share with your project management team.

  • Sales Opportunities Start with an Idea

    Never let another sales opportunity fall through the cracks.  Capture the idea in Evernote then tag with #Lead, #Employee and #DDMMYY to ensure one of your team is tasked with following up on your lead.

  • Update Support Cases in the field, on the web

    Working on a tricky support case or a complex project? Use the Evernote web clipper to research the internet or photograph your field work and instantly update your support tickets or project with the new information.

WATCH Evernote Tips for Business CLIP

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“Finally all my notes end up in my business”

S. Burrows

Masthead Digital

“Snap a pic, tag it and there is my project update”

Samuel Konstaniz


“Evernote and WORK[etc] streamlines everything”

Julia Tan


“I take all my research in Evernote and turn it into a fully scoped project instantly”

J. Asher

Environmental Engineer

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