WORK[etc] Insiders is our exclusive community of the best, brightest and most successful customers. As a member of Insiders you’ll be first on the list for exclusive Beta invites and free upgrades.
Once you have joined Insiders, we present you a set of simple challenges. Complete a challenge and earn instant points. Collect enough points and you can redeem them for beta invites, a discount on your subscription, and even fun prizes like Amazon Gift Vouchers. We have given away over $20,000 in prizes so far.
But Insiders isn’t just about us. Through the program we’ll be inviting select customers to have their businesses featured on our blog and for inclusion in co-marketing and press releases. Plus, you know that we’ll be making your product suggestions a priority.
Register below and claim your free WORK[etc] T-shirt – only 100 available!
Insiders choose what challenges to take on, starting with simple activities such as tweeting a post or commenting on a product feature. The more challenges you complete, the higher your ranking climbs. The higher your ranking, the more points you can unlock.
Top Insiders also qualify for lightning challenges which come loaded with instant Rewards!
Once you have collected enough points, simply browse the catalog of rewards and take your pick. Your rewards are yours alone. Choose a discount for your business, a special treat for yourself, or surprise your team with a group reward.
As you work your way through the program, you’ll also unlock status badges that identify you as a WORK[etc] Insider to our support team and inside our community forums. Major kudos all round!
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Check out some of the challenges
and pick which ones you want to do and start participating and earning points.