Use Evernote for Business CRM, Project Management & More

Tag any Evernote and create a new sales lead, update a project or assign a support ticket.

WORK[etc] combines CRM, Projects, Billing and more into the single online social enterprise platform. Smart companies use it to run entire business units on the web and with mobile. By installing Evernote for your business, you can take any note and turn it into meaningful actions:

  • One platform for Evernote project management & CRM
  • #Tags turn notes into #support, #leads, #projects and more
  • Capture ideas in Evernote, put them to WORK[etc]

Send research to a project
Update project progress
Capture expenses
Assign Support Tickets
Create new sales lead

  • Assign project management tasks

    One-click sync to import a project into Evernote, then simply create a note and tag with #task and the name of the person being assigned, #name, and you are using Evernote for business!

  • Capture CRM Sales leads

    Take any note and add the tags #lead, #Employee & #Date to assign a new a sales lead to a co-worker and give them a deadline to follow up.

  • Update Support Tickets

    User Evernote to record support tickets on–the–go, then add the tags #Support and #Workgroup to automatically lodge a new support ticket for your work team.

WATCH Evernote for your Business CLIP

200 plus 5–star reviews cannot be wrong

“Finally all my notes end up in my business”

S. Burrows

Masthead Digital

“Snap a pic, tag it and there is my project update”

Samuel Konstaniz


“Evernote and WORK[etc] streamlines everything”

Julia Tan


“I take all my research in Evernote and turn it into a fully scoped project instantly”

J. Asher

Environmental Engineer

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    Invite Your Team

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    See It Working

    All setup? We'll present a demo
    matched to your company needs.

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